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#3- Messages: Validation & Judgment.

INSIGHT Powwow #3

Introduction about the group: Insight means penetrating mental vision or discernment; an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding; the faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth. INSIGHT is a group purposed to promote personal growth. INSIGHT’s focus is introspection, which means the examination or observation of one’s own mental & emotional processes—also called self-analysis or soul searching. Our goal is to intellectually nurture self-awareness, identity, goals, hope, & truth. Our slogan is “Initiating Transformation: Discovering the Underlying Truths of You.”


Memorable Moments: Write 3 highlights from the past week.

Challenges: Write 3 challenges you faced in the last week.

Blessings: Write 5 things you’re grateful for (this is intended to be an ongoing list with no repeats).


Weekly Reflection: Reflect on last week's challenges; do these still pose a challenge or have things improved? Explain.

Weekly Reflection: Reflect on last week's answers to the Riddle of the Soul prompts; were you successful in achieving your goals? Discuss.

7) Soaring into the Self: When there's nothing going on & no stimulus to respond to, where does your mind wander to? Describe. Is this a good place? Explain. Are you content with where your thoughts drift? Discuss.

Riddle of the Soul: What can you do this week to create a more positive environment in your mind & in your thought patterns? What are 3-5 ways you can actively & intentionally improve your thoughts & where your mind drifts naturally?

8) Soaring into the Self: Where do you receive validation, affirmation, & encouragement from? What sort of messages do you hear? Is there enough positivity being spoken into your life? Are you satisfied with this aspect? Do you give validation to others on a consistent basis? If people close to you were to describe you, would they say that you're a positive & encouraging person?

Riddle of the Soul: What are 3-5 ways you can actively & intentionally give more validation, both to yourself & others, & become an overall more positive & encouraging person?

9) Soaring into the Self: What are some judgments you pass on yourself (3-10 things)? Do you believe them (no, partially, fully)? Where do these judgments stem from? (Example: verbal abuse/ insults from others in the past, etc.)

Riddle of the Soul: What are 2-5 messages (self-affirmations) (per self-judgment) that you can actively & intentionally speak to yourself daily this week to fight & challenge those judgments?

1) Maze of the Mind: Project Playlist: Create a playlist of inspiration--music you find uplifting, empowering, heartwarming, healing, or encouraging--any genre, any style, any length. (Goal: 10-20 songs on a public YouTube playlist.)


Self-Affirmations: Write 2-5 self-affirmations.

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