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Powwow Details

Saturday, October 8, Time Will Be Announced

Location To Be Determined


We are allowed the freedom to pursue happiness, but it can be challenging to know where to begin. What does happiness mean in a personalized context? What does it mean to be grounded in your individual identity? What steps must be taken to transform this life into something we will be content with & even thrilled about?


Insight means penetrating mental vision or discernment; an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding; the faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth. In this case, INSIGHT is a group purposed to promote personal growth. INSIGHT stands for: Intellectually Nurturing Self-Awareness, Identity, Goals, Hope, & Truth.


INSIGHT’s focus is introspection, which means the examination or observation of one’s own mental & emotional processes—also called self-analysis or soul searching. Our goal is to intellectually nurture self-awareness, identity, goals, hope, & truth. Our slogan is “Initiating Transformation: Discovering the Underlying Truths of You.”


Our weekly meetings, called powwows, are for two hours at a decided location, varying from private homes & public libraries to coffee shops & local parks. Discussions include topics such as goals, dreams, needs, fears, wounds, identity, habits, & priorities. Every week, we address life topics that seek to increase self-awareness & improve personal growth.


You will be encouraged to peer inside yourself & uncover the truest version of yourself. Healing past wounds, resolving present problems, & foraging on to a brighter future will set you on the path of pursuing true happiness. Now is your time to evolve—&, in the process, discover peace & purpose like never before.

What are we about?


Pondering the Past Week


(These are each continuous lists that will be added to each week at the beginning of every powwow.)


Memorable Moment: a precise moment in time worth remembering.

Recommended serving size: 1-3 weekly highlights.


Challenge: a test of one’s abilities against their own mind.

Recommended serving size: 1-3 weekly struggles (internal or external obstacles).


Blessing: something positive you are thankful for.

Recommended serving size: 3-5 things on the gratitude list, without repeating throughout the weeks.




Soaring into the Soul


Soaring into the Self: transcending your level of knowledge & insight regarding your identity—conscious & unconscious aspects, personality, & cognitions, or thoughts & feelings.

Recommended serving size: 1 or more weekly journal prompts that will guide the powwow’s path & discussions.


Riddle of the Soul: a question regarding the essence of a person—your deeply felt moral & emotional nature; the principle of life, feeling, thought, & action of an individual—that requires thoughtful ingenuity to answer or understand.

Recommended serving size: Following each journal prompt, there will be a follow-up question applying lessons learned & insight gained to work on bettering the self during the week to come.


Maze of the Mind: an elaborate network of confusingly complex paths consisting of the elements of a person that enables them to be aware of their world & experiences—elements following them to think, feel, perceive, reason, remember, imagine, desire, & so much more.

Recommended serving size: These mazes are ongoing projects that will embellish the question of self-discovery.




Initiating Transformation


Recapitulation (known as “recap”): a summary of the findings.

Recommended serving size: A few minutes towards the end of each powwow to review highlights & “homework.”


Self-Affirmation: a statement providing encouragement, emotional support, or motivation in order to establish or recognize the worthiness or legitimacy of your identity—your essential being that distinguishes you from others; your nature, characteristics, thoughts, & feelings.

Recommended serving size: 2-5 positive things about yourself. For added benefits, 1 affirmation to each friend present.


Concluding Comments: winding down the powwow with final remarks.

Recommended serving size: A few minutes at the end of each powwow to speak concluding thoughts.






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