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#1- Identity & Priorities.

(For a full explanation on each prompt, please see the Map to the Underlying Truths of You.)

Introduction about the group: Insight means penetrating mental vision or discernment; an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding; the faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth. INSIGHT is a group purposed to promote personal growth. INSIGHT’s focus is introspection, which means the examination or observation of one’s own mental & emotional processes—also called self-analysis or soul searching. Our goal is to intellectually nurture self-awareness, identity, goals, hope, & truth. Our slogan is “Initiating Transformation: Discovering the Underlying Truths of You.”


Memorable Moments: write 3 highlights from the past week.

Challenges: write 3 challenges you faced in the last week.

Blessings: write 5 things you’re grateful for (this is intended to be an ongoing list with no repeats).


1) Soaring into the Self: What do you think this group is about? What do you hope to gain or achieve by being involved?

2) Soaring into the Self: How would you describe yourself using ten adjectives? What type of person is it important for you to be (kind, successful, inspirational, content, feared, loved, etc.)? What are you presently doing to be that person? Now write ten adjectives describing the person you want to be.

3) Soaring into the Self: What are your priorities in this life? Where do your time (energy), treasure (money), & talent (abilities) go? Why? Are you content with these state of affairs? If not, how can you adjust your priorities to live a more full & peaceful life?

Riddle of the Soul: List 3-5 ways you can a) work on being the person you wish to be & b) focus on your priorities in the next week, based on your above response.


Self-Affirmations: write 2-5 self-affirmations.

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