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SelfSocializedSoul: The Sacred POWER of Loving LIBERATION for BodyMind Attachments!!!

SelfSocializedSoul: The Sacred Powers of Loving Liberation for BodyMind Attachments

[When Consciousness Teaches the BodyMind to Socially Engage with Itself]

~ By Kristin Windsor



  • Hook + Intro + Introduce core concept of social self-engagement practices

  • Personal Story: effects of practicing social self-engagement everyday for 5 years (100+ severe health challenges 100% resolved without working with any other person or any other healing modality!!!)

  • Core Concept: When consciousness teaches the brain and body to socially engage with itself, the process of nourishing internal attachments (by practicing social self-engagement) indirectly resculpts patterns of navigation and regulation throughout trillions of bodymind networks.

  • 4 reasons social self-engagement practices hold power for brain/bodymind rewiring (backed by neuroscience & attachment development concepts)

  • 5 steps to practice social self-engagement

  • 2 sample practices

  • Outro


What if deep surrender to the infinite love of your own sacred heart could transform even the most impossible challenges?

I just spent over 10,000 hours in the past 5 years singing and talking to mySelf in mirrors to rebuild my entire brain and bodymind from the ground-up; and I encountered infinitely awe-striking mirror*kles along this odyssey.

“Social Self-Engagement Practices™” are a meditative self-love journey where the Awareness of Self is distinct from, and connected with, the Experiencer of Self. This Awareness of Self fulfills specific internal attachment needs for each aspect of the Inner Experiencer — while guiding parts of the Self to grow attachments with each other.



I’ve developed these practices during the greatest depths of darkness and profound impossibilities.

This journey began 5 years ago, when experiencing over 100 intensive, completely disabling, and supposedly ‘medically incurable’ health challenges stemming from complex trauma.

Firstly, this bodymind I inhabit could not create new conscious explicit memories — in relation with a sense of self — for over 4 years. (That’s nearly half a decade of severe amnesia — where the bodymind unconsciously recorded how it felt and moved — yet the conscious mind had zero lucid memory of what happened the previous minute, hour, day, week, or month!)

Atop of that, it struggled with: completely split brain hemispheres, a total mind-body disconnect, absolute dysregulation of ALL brain-body systems (including brain waves, cranial nerves, digestion, respiration, nervous systems), selective mutism, aphasia, loss of language centers, frontal lobe resets and independently developed memory centers that amplified amnesia while stimulating alternate styles of experiencing self and life, literally every mental health diagnosis in the book [including, anxiety, depression, bipolar, insomnia, psychosis], over 40 types of severe dissociation [including a total loss of orientation in time and space], and—the most precious and sacred challenge of all: chronic dissociative age regression — where this brain and body literally reverted to operating the way that they did during stages of early neurodevelopment — including infancy, toddlerhood, and childhood.

Through my inner work, I discovered that parts of my brain secretly stopped developing at age 4, due to severe unknown early life trauma; and everytime those regions of information were activated beyond awareness, the results of suppressed traumatic-stress provoked another disruption of brain development, resulting in dozens of complex health challenges.

OK, so there’s this bodymind 5 years ago, with hundreds of complex battles.


After 3 years of independently practicing specific styles of social self-engagement™ each day, — without utilizing ANY other healing modalities, without working with ANY other person, and without receiving guidance or assistance from ANY outside sources! (just through daily practices of social self-engagement!)EVERY single one of those health challenges naturally healed and achieved complete, absolute, total, final resolution!!!!!!!!

Brain hemispheres integrated! Mind and body were reconnected! Health battles that’d started 10-20 years prior were finally being resolved! Conscious explicit memories were starting to form for the 1st time in 4 years!


But then… I had no sense of self… I could not recognize my face, voice, or body, even in the mirror… and I could not remember my entire life, including my original childhood, recent years of healing, and everything in between! Total amnesia!!!!

In addition, the previous several years had created unconscious memory fragments that were continuously relived in a traumatic-stress-fashion.


After another 2 years of independently practicing specific styles of social self-engagement™, my entire lifetime of memories (and their navigational systems that help me know who I am and feel like myself) have been radically recovered, reorganized, and rewritten… without directly working with ANY memories or past experiences, and without using ANY other healing modalities!!

My brain and body naturally healed and cultivated greater integration of all systems and information BETTER than ever imaged

All by practicing social self-engagement™!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ALL of those complex health challenges had ONE thing in common: they were all unique styles of disrupted navigation and regulation in the bodymind.

This magicKal journey of Implicit Revelations™ led me to the most astounding discovery:

When consciousness teaches the brain and body to socially engage with itself, the process of nurturing internal attachments indirectly reconstructs all patterns of navigation and regulation at bodymind foundations! ©

These social self-engagement practices have the powerful potential to: improve and expand content and connectivity throughout trillions of complex brain-body networks, fluidly integrate navigational roles of memory centers, and improve natural capacities for self-regulation!



How on earth can social self-engagement practices have so much power?! Why do they actually work to rebuild parts of the brain?

{1} Firstly — The bodymind, and its patterns of navigation and regulation, originally developed into existence through social engagement — where experiences, in relation with the fulfillment of attachment needs, determined how the brain and body actually developed!

The integration of brain hemispheres, abilities for self-regulation, connectivity throughout explicit and implicit data, processing of memories, mind-body connection…

All of these miracles were originally sculpted into BEing through a process of social engagement — where attachment development nurtured the abstract blueprint of the brain and body, and helped sculpt it into an individualized human BEing.

{2} From that foundation, the bodymind continues to navigate and regulate its own existence with the subtle intention of attaining attachment wellBEing, or surviving the lack of it — which affects everything from chronic patterns of thinking, feeling, moving, and behaving; to automated regulation of circadian rhythms, brain waves, respiration, nervous systems, and more!

Social self-engagement practices are so potently powerful, so profoundly transformative!, because they take the blueprint of how all of this information originally developed into existence — and the compass of how it now operates—, and provides constant opportunities for the self to mimic, mirror, and recreate that developmental process — and point the bodymind’s compass towards optimal navigation and regulation.

This sparks truly LIMITLESS self-healing potentials in everyday moments!

{3} Another secret superpower of these practices is related with the hidden activity of navigational patterns in the brain and body, such as unconscious memories.

In every moment, data throughout trillions of bodymind networks are activated, and projecting interpretations of reality to navigate present and potential moments. With every activation, that data is automatically reconstructed beyond awareness.

If present moments hold attachment need fulfillment, then unconscious data — navigating the moment by projecting information from the past — is then effectively integrated and indirectly infused with that present moment attachment wellBEing — instantly upgrading bodymind systems.

{4} These practices expand self-awareness to improve present-moment regulation, while stimulating new unconscious emotional and procedural memories. This gradually resolves unprocessed emotions and incomplete action-patterns — which might disrupt the bodymind’s abilities to navigate and regulate its own existence.

Any health challenge that secretly (though it might not be obvious or directly known about: but secretly) stems from disrupted navigation or regulation — including hundreds of mental health battles and associated physical health challenges — may then gradually heal in the most effective and natural way imaginable!!!

Courageously tending to internal needs of attachment systems from within boldly creates a brand new bodymind foundation — that gradually rewrites all existing data in the process!



Practicing Social Self-Engagement includes 5 steps that lead to somatic sensations of fulfilled internal needs.

The 1st step is to ground in loving presence: just being present with your body, and in loving attunement with your own sacred self.

The 2nd step is to establish distinction and connection between the Awareness of Self and the Experiencer of Self — so that the Awareness of Self has POWER to consciously be there for the Inner Experiencer.

Parts of the Self with attachment needs cannot fulfill those needs for themselves — which is why the bodymind usually depends on external experiences (like social engagement) to feel seen, loved, safe, and supported.

Practicing distinction and connection between Self-aspects allows Infinite Awareness of Self to fulfill attachment needs for the Inner Experiencer.

The 3rd step is to cultivate expanded awareness of internal needs and attachment wellBEing through self-attunement.

These first three steps create a strong and beautiful foundation to then allow for the actual practice of Social Self-Engagement.


The 4th step is to create a felt-sense of attachment need fulfillment — as the Awareness of Self guides the Inner Experiencer to fully FEEL seen, loved, treasured, appreciated, celebrated, safe, secure, protected, provided for, supported, connected; with vulnerability, closeness, collaboration, community; recognition, embrace, respect, allowance, opportunistic space, and directional guidance — all from within, regardless of what’s occurring externally.

The FELT-SENSE part is what’s most important: it matters less what you do and more about how it makes your inner experiencer feel.


The 5th step of Social Self-Engagement is that: the Awareness of Self nourishes relational attachments with parts of the Inner Experiencer; which means that an internal space of pure presence and loving awareness consciously grows attachments with parts of the Self who are actually within the present-moment experience.


Through gradual practice, the bodymind learns to feel the relief and elation of its inner needs fully satiated through unconditional love. This process resculpts bodymind foundations, rewrites patterns of navigation and regulation, and sparks unity and loving liberation for all parts of the Self.



A key feature of Social Self-Engagement is how energetic focus shifts away from experience, and exclusively towards attachment needs of the present-moment experiencer.

If this idea inspires you, please join me here in PLAYing with a simple social self-engagement practice that may be harnessed in any moment of everyday life.

Firstly, imagine that you are a space of infinite awareness that has never encountered the human experience.

Now, from that space, observe the inner experiencer of yourself — right here, right now. View your inner experiencer from this distanced space of objective awareness, with deep connection through unconditional love.

Just as a parent observes their young child, or a romantic partner observes their companion, — you now notice your inner experiencer from a renewed space of profound appreciation; and you compliment their soul for the authentic BEing of all that they are.

And then, shift awareness to being the experiencer of yourself — and you notice this space of infinite awareness lovingly seeing you for who you truly are! Not the experience, but the actual essence of YOU!

As the experiencer of yourself, you then receive this love being given from within.

Then, complete the circle/cycle, by shifting back to the Awareness of Self.

1st you were the Awareness of Self pouring love into the Inner Experiencer while growing attachments with them; then, you were that Inner Experiencer receiving that love and relational bonding.

Now, complete that cycle by BEing pure awareness as you connect in deeper love with your Inner Experiencer.

Spend a few moments in each of these spaces of awareness and experience to consciously cultivate attachment wellBEing. (Practice this anytime, anywhere!)


To amplify this practice, go ahead and lift your hand up and make eye contact with your own hand.

Allow your eyes to connect with the Awareness of yourSelf, while your hands symbolize your Inner Experiencer.

With this physical representation of distinction and connection between Self-aspects, guide your eyes to develop attachments with your hands.

In this practice, your eyes and face provide nonverbal cues of unconditional love — similar to encountered expressions in attachment-related experiences with other people.

The Awareness of yourSelf, from your eyes, grows attached to the Experiencer of yourSelf, through your hands.

Everything slows to a pause. Time dissolves. The outside world fades away. And you are fully absorbed in a sacred moment of loving presence, deeply captivated by the entrancing awe of nourishing your own internal attachments.


These are just two examples out of HUNDREDS of ways to practice social self-engagement! PLAY with these idea in your daily life — such as while reaching for something, washing your face, unloading the dishwasher, dancing, eating, or exercising.

In these casual everyday moments, create space to pause and refocus on what truly matters: the unconditional love of your True Self that holds infinite power to superbly satiate the attachment needs of your bodymind.



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