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~ SomaSoulLove ~ 

1:1 Mentorship Journey

with Kristin Windsor


Become Your Own

Healer and Hero

❤️‍Are you eager to dive deeper into self-healing, soul awakening, and sacred expansion?

  • through an expanded identity rooted in embodied worthiness and empowered confidence!

  • to unlock ever-increasing JOY and FREEDOM through the luxurious mansion of your mind and blissful exstacy of your body!

  • where thoughts feel like a loving best friend, emotions soar into heaven on earth, choices nourish your best life, and beliefs foster your limitless expansion!

  • all through deeper connection with your True Self as you feel greater enJOYment, pleasure, fulfillment, and satisfaction than ever before!



Welcome to the PERFECT place to

Create MAGIC and Miracles!!!​​​


Which of these sound most like you?

⚡Your mind often feels loud, busy, noisy, or disconnects from your body in the present moment. You wonder how magnificent life could feel if your mind held stillness and deep connection with all parts of you!


⚡You struggle with residual impacts from painful or challenging life experiences: you’re ready to fully heal and feel powerful shifts in body, mind, and soul — without ever looking back at details of the past!


Your inner critic feels harsh and judgmental, triggering unwanted thoughts and feelings: you crave loving self-talk yet have been unable to sustain lasting change.


⚡It’s difficult to feel enjoyment in the simple pleasures of your daily life: you don’t know WHY or HOW to shift it; and you are so ready for true happiness!


⚡You’re exhausted from battling unhealthy habits, or disruptions in mental // emotional health: you’re ready for radical change, deep healing, and permanent resolution of these ongoing issues.


⚡You feel trapped, limited, or defined by past experiences: you wish your body could stop remembering those old stories and sensations so you could have a fresh start through your freedom-filled identity!

⚡You struggle to fully express yourself, speak your truth, set clear boundaries, or go after your greatest desires: you’re committed to releasing those insecurities, shame, self-doubt, or anything else holding you back from abundantly thriving as YOU!!


⚡You’re awakening to your Soul and struggling to integrate your expanding consciousness into everyday human life.

You deserve the Heaven on Earth you crave! Let's create it!



5 intentions to guide your inner journey:

1. Intimately get to know all aspects of the TRUE YOU through simplified journeys into neuroscience, consciousness, and infinite love. Liberate your identity from experience.

2. Nourish relational connections within Self to spark feelings of unconditional LOVE inside of your body. Help all parts of YOU feel seen, loved, valued, wanted, safe, secure, supported, connected, respected, and embraced.


3. Learn how to use the power of your consciousness to lovingly rewire your brain, body, and subconscious. Influence life from within.


4. Expand wellBEing in mental, emotional, somatic, and energetic bodies. Heal at the root cause to create lasting change. Transform instinctive patterns of thought, emotion, habit, choice, sensation, and response — by working directly with deeper foundation that precede it all.


5. Cultivate feelings of HEAVEN ON EARTH from within! Repattern your body to naturally navigate self and life through inner: presence, power, peace, bliss, joy, freedom, love, abundance, wholeness, fulfillment, passion, pleasure, play, awe, wonder, magic, child-like curiousity, courage, self-leadership, inner trust, confidence, worthiness, emPOWERment, and emBODYment.




This 1-on-1 multimonth journey

with Kristin Windsor includes:

💎3 Styles of MIRACLE JOURNEYS during your personalized sessions with Kristin:

🥇BodyMindSoul Treasure Mapping™!

        🏆EnJOY deep discussions to explore 25 distinct aspects of your Inner Soul Family. Create colourful visual illustrations and simplified drawings to innerstand your body, mind, and soul through creative collisions between neuroscience and consciousness. 

🥈Personalized PLAY Prompt Prescriptions™!

        🏆Achieve all that you desire through simple, FUN, accessible, and enJOYable daily practices that nourish relational connections throughout aspects of Self — while rewiring your brain, body, and subconscious to ignite lasting transformation.

🥉Guided Mirrorthon Journeys™!

        🏆EnJOY guided mirror work adventures and solo eye-gazing practices to reunify all aspects of Self and deeply experience the exstatic LOVE & liberated WHOLENESS of your True Self. Rewrite unconscious body memories with ease.


💎1 hour weekly 1-on-1 sessions (through video or audio calls) with Kristin! 


💎Weekly emails from Kristin following each session: summarizing your present intentions, daily practices, recommended reading, etc., along with a private video of your recorded session. 


💎Monthly "Progress Reports" to have tangible reference points for your ongoing journey! Celebrate victories, assess challenges, highlight what you enJOY most about your journey, and allow Kristin to elevate your path for the sessions to come!

💎Teachings, guidance, support, tools, accountability, and encouragement to innerstand and lovingly expand your inner realities!

💎Daily practices to nourish your intentions for body, mind, and soul!

💎Your commitment? ~90 minutes/ day consciously invested in your inner journey. (For those with busy schedules, up to half of this time/energy investment may be integrated into your daily activities.)


💎BONUS! Access to 20+ original PLAYbooks and videos to be referenced during and beyond your 1-on-1 journey with Kristin! 

               Kristin references a small portion of this content to expand your weekly sessions. + You’ll gain lifelong access to enJOY these journeys after your 1-on-1 mentorship with Kristin.

💎BONUS Content includes: 


               🏆Explore the treasure trove of your body, mind, and soul through the SoulSelf Treasure Trove GuideBook! ($155 value via 230+  pages)


               🏆EnJOY a simple mirror practice to connect deeper with all aspects of self as you witness and receive the unconditional love that you are: Sacred MiniMirrorthon PLAYbook! (20+ pages)


               🏆Connect with the foundation of your soul essence to amplify your inner power through expanded awareness // consciousness: Roots of Reality PLAYbook! (10+ pages) 


               🏆Learn how to work (and PLAY) with parts of self through inward meditative adventures: Social SoulSelf PLAYbook! (60+ pages)


               🏆Printable colouring sheets: BodyMindSoul Treasure Map Reference Guide! (15+ pages)


               🏆Introductory guide to working with parts of self: Restoring Consciousness Toolkit! ($55 value via ~44 pages)


               🏆95 practices to cultivate love and presence in everyday moments: Healing into Happiness PLAYbook! ($99 value via 262 pages)

               🏆Practice mindfulness and self-love while cooking healthy meals for your body, mind, and soul: Delicious Magic PLAYshop! ($55 value via 1 hour video)

               🏆Practice being the observer of your thoughts and sensations, starting with a beginner’s 9 minute meditative journey before advancing into a 40 minute guided meditation: Sailing through Consciousness Guided Meditation Collection! ($55 value via 50 minutes of video)

               🏆Learn step-by-step processes to transform unconscious memories with ease and love: Implicit Transformation PLAYbook! ($333 value via 233 pages)


               🏆1 hour audio of self-hypnosis and storytelling for SoulSelf + inner child liberation: “Pillars & Portals of LIGHT: Mystical Odyssey Imaginative!” ($99 value via 66 minute audio)


               🏆Explore 100+ specific sensations of personal experience to discover the underlying relational need hiding beneath those inner messages. EnJOY your love and presence! Integrate simple practices into everyday moments to: nourish inner relationals with self, cultivate deeper love and presence, elevate inner power, and rewire how your bodymind naturally navigates everyday life (i.e., thoughts, emotions, choices). “SelfLOVE Liberation Course!” ($222 value via ~150 pages)


               🏆Visual illustrations of BodyMindSoul Treasure Maps™ through the Trifecta Treasure Trove™. Treasure Trove PictureBooks #1 and #2! ($310 value via 500+ colourful images)


               🏆Where psychology meets neuroscience and consciousness! Explore inner realities and personal experience through simplified insights and illustrations: Liberated Consciousness Reference Guide! ($888 value via 500 pages + bonus features)


               🏆Write and read aloud a personalized love letter to yourself while caressing your naked body in a mirror.Mere PLAY with Mirror POWER: “Dear Inner Life Partner,...” ($155 value via 82 pages + 5 videos)


               🏆Learn exactly how to personalize mirror practices to rewire ANY pattern in your brain, body, or subconscious at its root cause (including memories, thoughts, emotions, habits, etc.). EnJOY 25+ self-LOVE mirror practices as you lovingly nourish relational connections within all aspects of self. Mere PLAY with Mirror POWER: Personalized Mirrorthon Prescription PLAYbook ($333 value via 155 pages)

               🏆EnJOY a 2.5 hour guided mirror journey to nourish relational connections with your inner child and present-moment self while creating deep healing at the foundation of your body, mind, and so. Mere PLAY with Mirror POWER: Creative Connections! ($2,500 value via 230 page primary PLAYbook + 4 hours of video content + 245 additional PLAYbook pages + 25 image files)


1:1 Energy Exchange to Invest

in Your Healing + Expansion:


🎊6 month journey with 25 sessions

  • $8,888 pay in full

  • $1,499/ month for 6 months

  • $750 twice/ month for 6 months

       $15,000 total value!

🎊3 month journey with 12 sessions:

  • $5,555 pay in full

  • $1,870/ month for 3 months

  • $935 twice/ month for 3 months

       $7,777 total value!



Value included

     1 hour weekly 1:1 sessions with Kristin 

     Weekly emails from Kristin 

     Monthly progress reports // checkins

     Teachings, guidance, support, tools, accountability, and encouragement 

     Daily practices

     ~90 minutes/ day of your time + energy

     BONUS CONTENT! 20+ PLAYbooks and videos ($5,312 value)

Curious about an alternate way to work 1:1 with Kristin? 

Inquire about a customized journey!

(Starting at $699/ month ~ or $350 twice/month)

Your MIRACLE Awaits!!

Begin your journey with Kristin by

privately messaging her on instagram @kristinsquantumcatalyzers

or connecting through email at

She'll lead you through the intake process

(including a FREE 30 minute 1:1 video call Miracle Meeting)

to ensure that this is a perfect fit, and discuss how this personalized journey may BEST serve and support YOU!!


Meet Your Mentor, Kristin Windsor!


Welcome to a JOURNEY filled with MIRACLES!


I used neuroscience, consciousness, and infinite love to self-heal hundreds of impossible challenges, and integrated this wisdom into my original Trifecta Treasure Trove™ modalities.


As a teacher and mentor, I now lead people to experience greater fulfillment and enJOYment in life by healing trauma and fragmentation of self, unifying bodymindsoul, and expanding identity through love and wholeness.


5 Miracle Journeys that led me to

BEing a BodyMindSoul Mentor!!

{1} I taught mySelf neuroscience, initiated my own case study, and independently deciphered neuroscientific explanations for complex and misunderstood health challenges (including dissociative identity disorder and other forms of structural dissociation). 


{2} Through ~2,000 hours of self-hypnosis and ~10,000 hours of eye-gazing Mirrorthons™, I single-handedly + successfully healed complex trauma — including uncovering suppressed childhood trauma and transmuting dozens of related health challenges that had stumped everyone for 20 years. I successfully self-healed the impossible, which was labeled “incurable // irredeemable” by ~100 medical professionals during the prior 10 years of seeking healing outside of me.


{3} I rebuilt my brain and body while recreating the WHO that I AM, including self-healing SEVERE: split brain hemispheres, mind-body disconnect, over 30 mental health diagnoses, such severe nervous system dysregulation that it resulted in years of chronic oxygen deprivation, multiple forms of trauma-related amnesia and aphasia, and more.


{4} Independent of external guidance or assistance, I led mySelf through 7 solo years of deep healing — including 4 years of anterograde amnesia, followed by 2 years of retrograde amnesia. I was unable to formulate new personal autobiographical or episodic memories for half a decade; and then had no sense of self or memories from my entire life! Now, my memory is sharper than ever, my lifetime of experience integrated and repurposed, and my unified identity rooted in my True Self — all achieved independently through my own original methods!

{5} Altogether, I invested 20,000+ hours in my Implicit Revelations Case Study™ and self-healing while creating NEW modalities to intimately innerstand body, mind, and soul — through creative collisions between neuroscience and consciousness — to cultivate deep healing that quantum catalyzes our infinite expansion.



Past Business Patron Reviews

🎊“This woman knows how to uncover the deepest self — to gather our fractured and fragmented lives and push into our core to find the Love we are made of and long for. Let her be a guide in your journey of remembering who you always were.”🎊


🎊“Kristin, you work in a completely unique and powerful way! Very professional and personable. A little time with your guidance is enough to dive deeper than ever before! I am now more aware of the inner patterns that my bodymind experiences. You are so patient and understanding, which was good and safe for me. Your impact on me has been powerful and magical. EVERYONE should really experience your services!”🎊



🎊“My experience with Kristin was massively revealing. Her personal expression is so gentle and compassionate. I am extremely grateful for her patience and loving presence throughout our session and the days following. A lot of times, I am challenged with seeing the gift while presently in the pain. With each layer I peel back and transmute, there is a new perspective to be received; and this is exactly what has taken place following working with her. Thank you, Kristin for sharing your time, journey, experience and wisdom with me and serving me by leading me deeper into my inner world. Thank you for meeting me with love and acceptance. I am eternally grateful for this experience and your profound life-changing healing modality you have shared with me and guided me through.”🎊

~Kendra Williams

🎊“During our call, Kristin spoke confidently about daily rituals, befriending self/ selves, intentionality, and consciousness/ subconsciousness. It was clear that she has much inner wisdom and the capacity to share it to help support others on their own healing journeys.”🎊

~Steph Coleslaw

🎊“Kristin is a beautiful soul who understands intuitively and easily how to impart clear and insightful wisdom to her clients. I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in [expanding] their healing journey to work with her!”🎊

~Julian Jaffe


🎊“Kristin is such a visionary! She was kind, compassionate, creative, and understanding during our session. She is very professional and passionate about her work. I would recommend her and the work she is doing to anybody!”🎊



🎊“I say, with zero hesitation, that Kristin has literally changed my life. Kristin holds an unparalleled depth of knowledge into topics of consciousness, mental health, and trauma recovery. I have complete confidence in her ability to impact humanity and change the world through her work. Kristin Windsor is meant to change the world, and if you don't believe me, try working with her and watch your own life transform.”🎊 

~Haley Stern


🎊“Backed by diligent and thorough research from the latest related science, plus her own powerful personal experience, it is a session that cannot be found from a traditionally qualified professional who has neglected their own inner work. Kristin brings an inspiring and nourishing energy to sessions that supports and validates this delicate work that we are so invested in.”🎊 

~Caitlin Sommer


🎊“The Treasure Trove Tête-à-Tête was a wonderful opportunity to have an in-depth discussion with Kristin about the aspects of her work that I find most intriguing; and to talk about the application of her work in everyday life. Kristin provided insightful answers to questions about the Liberated Consciousness Diagram™, as well as any related subject or experience I brought up. The answers Kristin provided during our discussion were like figures on a tapestry woven of abstract concepts and concrete examples from day-to-day life.”🎊 



🎊“Kristin offers some of the most attuned and powerful personal coaching I know of. The path she has forged in emotional and spiritual healing enables her to go straight to the heart of whatever issue you are facing in your life journey, no matter how insurmountable it may seem. She draws from a very deep well of experience and growth, and was able to give me more insight in one hour than tens of hours in therapy. At the same time she came from a very grounded and realistic place, offering practical, real help, not a theoretical promise. Kristin has helped me discover significant personal truths, ones we often cannot see from the inside. Please allow her to touch your life the way she has mine.”🎊 

~Dr. Nigel Surridge, PhD


🎊“Expanding and gentle! Kristin has a highly-attuned, elegant way of bringing a person to a solution with a simplicity that belies the actual complexity of the pathways she navigates. I started enjoying noticeable results the day of our consultation, and, several days later, the results have continued. What surprised me most, perhaps, was that she identified the underlying pattern with such graceful precision. She then rapidly helped me develop a simple routine for progressively altering a neuroceptive pattern that had been a persistent difficulty. The session was, to say the least, a transformative experience.” 🎊

~ Jared Powell 


🎊“I was not only able to explore issues that have kept me stuck in place for years up until now in a highly constructive way, but also experience Kristin’s grace and wisdom first hand. The overwhelming impression I received was that I was connecting with someone who had walked this path before and made it through, to become a force for positivity, healing and light. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity and have felt some exciting changes over the days since the call, and created some bold new choices about how I want to live the rest of my life; which, as I learned from Kristin, can begin any day that I choose.”🎊 



🎊“Revolutionary in the world of mental health! The products she creates are profound and unique. There truly is no other resource out there like this! I can't recommend this professional enough, and I highly encourage anyone curious about healing, taking steps for self-improvement, or trauma recovery to gain exposure to her healing services. It is with great joy that I say that Kristin's Quantum Catalyzers has changed my life for the better, and I hope it does for you, too!”🎊 

~Rebecca Bartels


🎊“For a few years now, I have been following Kristin as she delves into the mysteries of consciousness ~ first through her videos, and later through the products and services she offers, such as the impressive Liberated Consciousness GuideBook. Contact with Kristin regarding these services has been a pleasure every time. Her works are always both personal and philosophical, in-depth and understandable, thoughtful and playful. Through innovative concepts and elegant diagrams, she unveils a fresh new way to look at oneself, and how one relates with the surrounding world. So turn your light to Kristin's mirror, and she will illuminate you and the world around you.”🎊 

~returning business patron from the Netherlands

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