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✨June 13, 2019: "I AM A Crusader Of Consciousness" ✨ (I have ZERO MEMORY of this!) ✨✨

Hi soul friends! Thanks for joining my EPICKly marvelous, magicKally miraculous healing journey.

Here's a little KNOWN documentary BONUS FEATURE!!

I have ZERO memory of recording this video, and ZERO memory of the experiences she describes, yet HERE I AM, thriving in mind, body, and spirit like NEVER BEFORE. (Yaaaaaaayyyyyyy MiiiiRAACLESSS!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! HOORAH! HOOZAH!!!!!!!)

Life is MAGICKAL, and this healing journey invites us all.

Please explore below for further MAGICKS to uplift and emPOWER your everyday healing journey through life!

YOU DESERVE INFINITE MOMENTS OF HAPPILY EVER AFTER, which lay on the other side of welcoming every part of yourSelf HOME to LOVE and PRESENCE. Slicing through illusions to heal and transform from the inside-out.

YOU HAVE INFINITE POWER in every breath and each heartbeat, and Now is always the best time to begin cultivating Love and Presence: from that space, ANYYYYYYthiing becomes POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!

("Impossible" is NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

With LOVE and LIGHT,

~Kristin Windsor


KNOWN Documentary Series + Implicit Revelations Case Study


From 2011-2021, Kristin Windsor invested in deep research and self-healing to discover hidden truths of her implicit health challenges, expand healing potentials, and transform automated styles of personal experience from the inside-out. She successfully achieved these goals through her IMPLICIT REVELATIONS Case Study and now JOYously and ecstatically shares her journey and thrilling discoveries through her KNOWN documentary series!!

---------- Explore the FULL PROJECT @ ----------

(PS! Support Kristin's work through a one-time donation! ~PayPal to Gifts received with LOVE and GRATITUDE!!)


As a bonus offering from her extensive case study work, Kristin created the IMPLICIT REVELATIONS Gift Package! Claim your priceless copy of her original work at!




Kristin offers one-on-one consciousness consultations, ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours, through audio or video calls. Schedule a session at!

Explorable topics include: ​

~~~~~balancing masculine and feminine subconscious energies

~~~~~understanding and reclaiming authority within personal identity

~~~~~inner child liberation

~~~~~personal power reclamation

~~~~~improving relationships with self and/or others

~~~~~understanding and healing any type of mental, emotional, spiritual, or action-patterned (behavioural) battle (coming from a trauma-informed space)

~~~~~amplifying implicit health

~~~~~recognizing and responding to subconscious activity, including needs and desires

~~~~~rewiring neural data within the unconscious mind

~~~~~healing internal attachment systems

~~~~~cultivating new habits to sustain implicit well-BEing

~~~~~understanding and responding to the unconscious mind of a loved one

~~~~~understanding and liberating parts of consciousness

~~~~~transforming the past through loving presence to intentionally create a beautiful future

~~~~~spiritual ascension

~~~~~general life advice or personal emPOWERment


Kristin's Consciousness Consultancy also offers personalized creations, including

~~~~~bedtime/sleep affirmations ( and

~~~~~self-hypnosis sessions (!!!


Kristin's Consciousness Consultancy offers merchandise (clothes, mugs, bags, and MORE!!) and original healing journey content creations @!!!


Explore Kristin's at-home healing journey programs at, including "Healing into Happiness" (PLAY prompts to transform life from the inside-out! lasts 2-5 years!), "Mere PLAY with Mirror POWER: Dear Inner Life Partner,..." (healing internal attachments with your present-day adult self!), and "Restoring Consciousness" (understand and heal subconscious parts by identifying clues of consciousness and responding in brand new transformative ways! lasts 2-5 years!)!!

Email Kristin directly to acquire these healing journey programs at!


Discover healing journey videos at, including guided meditations and PLAYful DANCE moves to cultivate radical healing and profound transformation from the inside-out!!




With LOVE and LIGHT,

~Kristin Windsor

(and her Loving Awareness,

Inner Life Partner,

Inner Best Friend,

and Inner Child[ren]) ✨✨✨




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