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EnJOY the FULL COLLECTION through my 1:1 MultiMonth Mentorship. https://kristinkarina.wixsite.com/consciousness/love
Seeking Self-Guided Mirror Journeys?
Introductory: "Dear Inner Life Partner,..."
Advanced: Creative Connections!
~ SelfGuided Journeys! ~
Loving Liberation Launchpads!
Become Your Own
Healer and Hero
❤️Are you eager to dive deeper into self-healing, soul awakening, and sacred expansion?
through an expanded identity rooted in embodied worthiness and empowered confidence!
to unlock ever-increasing JOY and FREEDOM through the luxurious mansion of your mind and blissful exstacy of your body!
where thoughts feel like a loving best friend, emotions soar into heaven on earth, choices nourish your best life, and beliefs foster your limitless expansion!
all through deeper connection with your True Self as you feel greater enJOYment, pleasure, fulfillment, and satisfaction than ever before!
Welcome to the PERFECT place to
Create MAGIC and Miracles!!!
Which of these sound most like you?
⚡Your mind often feels loud, busy, noisy, or disconnects from your body in the present moment. You wonder how magnificent life could feel if your mind held stillness and deep connection with all parts of you!
⚡You struggle with residual impacts from painful or challenging life experiences: you’re ready to fully heal and feel powerful shifts in body, mind, and soul — without ever looking back at details of the past!
⚡Your inner critic feels harsh and judgmental, triggering unwanted thoughts and feelings: you crave loving self-talk yet have been unable to sustain lasting change.
⚡It’s difficult to feel enjoyment in the simple pleasures of your daily life: you don’t know WHY or HOW to shift it; and you are so ready for true happiness!
⚡You’re exhausted from battling unhealthy habits, or disruptions in mental // emotional health: you’re ready for radical change, deep healing, and permanent resolution of these ongoing issues.
⚡You feel trapped, limited, or defined by past experiences: you wish your body could stop remembering those old stories and sensations so you could have a fresh start through your freedom-filled identity!
⚡You struggle to fully express yourself, speak your truth, set clear boundaries, or go after your greatest desires: you’re committed to releasing those insecurities, shame, self-doubt, or anything else holding you back from abundantly thriving as YOU!!
⚡You’re awakening to your Soul and struggling to integrate your expanding consciousness into everyday human life.
You deserve the Heaven on Earth you crave! Let's create it!
Loving Liberation Launchpads!
Allow me to hold space for your quantum leap into expanded LOVING LIBERATION.
Please connect with Kristin personally through email to order your copy of any content creation!
Thank you for boldly harnessing your infinite power and courageously investing in this Quantum Catalyzer! Infinite wonder, Miraculous MagiiicK, and sacred moments of Happily Ever After await every part of your innately purrrrr*fect BEing!!!!
The BEST is yet to come, & we have just begun! This healing journey of LOVING LIBERATION invites us all ~ beckoned forward into expanded emBODYment of our own infinite souls.
🎊“I started enjoying noticeable results the day of our session, and, several days later, the results have continued. She identified the underlying pattern with such graceful precision and rapidly helped me develop a simple routine for progressively altering a neuroceptive pattern that had been a persistent difficulty. A transformative experience!” ~ Jared Powell
🎊“I am so grateful to have had this opportunity and have felt some exciting changes over the days since the call, and created some bold new choices about how I want to live the rest of my life; which, as I learned from Kristin, can begin any day that I choose.” ~Alana
🎊“This woman knows how to uncover the deepest self — to gather our fractured and fragmented lives and push into our core to find the Love we are made of and long for. Let her be a guide in your journey of remembering who you always were.” ~Indy
🎊“A little time with your guidance is enough to dive deeper than ever before! Your impact on me has been powerful and magical. EVERYONE should really experience your services!” ~Marie
🎊“I am eternally grateful for this experience and your profound life-changing healing modality you have shared with me and guided me through.” ~Kendra Williams
🎊“She has much inner wisdom to help support others on their own healing journeys.” ~Steph Coleslaw
🎊“Kristin draws from a very deep well of experience and growth, and was able to give me more insight in one hour than tens of hours in therapy. Please allow her to touch your life the way she has mine.” ~Dr. Nigel Surridge, PhD
🎊“Kristin is a beautiful soul who understands intuitively and easily how to impart clear and insightful wisdom to her clients. I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in [expanding] their healing journey to work with her!” ~Julian Jaffe
🎊“I say, with zero hesitation, that Kristin has literally changed my life. Kristin holds an unparalleled depth of knowledge into topics of consciousness, mental health, and trauma recovery.” ~Haley Stern
🎊“Backed by diligent and thorough research from the latest related science, plus her own powerful personal experience, it is a session that cannot be found from a traditionally qualified professional who has neglected their own inner work.” ~Caitlin Sommer
🎊“Kristin is such a visionary!” ~Mercy
🎊“The answers Kristin provided during our discussion were like figures on a tapestry woven of abstract concepts and concrete examples from day-to-day life.” ~Jacob
🎊“Revolutionary in the world of mental health! The products she creates are profound and unique. There truly is no other resource out there like this! I can't recommend this professional enough, and I highly encourage anyone curious about healing, taking steps for self-improvement, or trauma recovery to gain exposure to her healing services. It is with great joy that I say that Kristin's Quantum Catalyzers has changed my life for the better, and I hope it does for you, too!” ~Rebecca Bartels
🎊“Her works are always both personal and philosophical, in-depth and understandable, thoughtful and playful. Through innovative concepts and elegant diagrams, she unveils a fresh new way to look at oneself, and how one relates with the surrounding world. So turn your light to Kristin's mirror, and she will illuminate you and the world around you.” ~returning business patron from the Netherlands